The Storage System

Managing state within NxtFi

A key feature of the NxtFi blockchain framework, in addition to its computational power, is its ability to store data content and state. In this article, we will provide an overview of its architecture.

The NxtFi framework supports various types of data storage, but different functions are available for implementing CRUD operations. We can distinguish two major paths. First, for data content that can be serialized as a JSON object, no additional considerations are required. It can simply be placed within the block body content using the embedded functions. Read, update, and delete actions can also be performed on this data.

On the other hand, other files are also accepted and can be stored within the framework. However, they follow a different path and require additional validation and configuration. In the following section, we will outline the necessary considerations and explain how file uploads work.

As of this version of the documentation, the NxtFi framework accepts files of any type up to a size limit of 10MB.

Regardless of the data type, every interaction with the storage system must be done through an HTTPS call. For syntax information, please refer to the API-listing section. To understand how to retrieve a file from storage, refer to the endpoint usage in the 'get file from storage' section. Additionally, the 'storage tracking' section provides information on tracing connections between the storage system and the blockchain.

Last updated